Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yuletide Souls Festival of Vicksburg, MS

Yuletide Souls Festival 2010

When: Saturday, December 18, 2010 – From 10AM-3:30PM

Where: Vicksburg Public Library, 700 Veto Street, Vicksburg, MS 39180 - 601-636-6411

Description: For the first year of the Yuletide Souls Festival, 9 Southern Authors and 1 Artist from Imagicopter will sell, sign, and speak about their inspirations, work, and the joys of writing and art. At this event, the public is welcome to donate to "The Exchange Club of Vicksburg Abuse Prevention Center", so that children who have suffered abusive situations can have a Merry Christmas. Everyone is welcome to partake in the festivities of Literature, Art, and Giving.

Authors and Artist Attending are Listed Alphabetically:

H. David Blalock (Fantasy Author)

Alexander S. Brown (Horror Author)

Andy Childress and Shane Sullivan (Graphic Novelists)

A. Christopher Drown (Fantasy Author)

Charles Walter Jett (Artist)

Roland Mann (Sci-fi Author and Former Marvel Comics Editor)

Jennifer Mulvihill (Fantasy Author)

Herika Raymer (Fantasy Author)

Kimberly Richardson (Steampunk Author and Poet)

J. Moffett Walker (Inspirational Author and Poet)

Visit to learn more of each author and artist.

For Child Abuse Prevention and Donation Contact:
Erma Driver, M.S.M. - Vicksburg CAP Center, Inc. (601-634-0557)