Thursday, January 6, 2011

The February Fright Fest of Jackson, MS at The Eudora Welty Commons

February 11th- February 12th 2011

February Fright Fest
The Commons at Eudora Welty’s Birth Place
719 North Congress Street (off of Fortification St)
Jackson, MS 39201

The February Fright Fest, all lovers of horror are welcomed to indulge in the frightening festivities that will begin at 8PM February 11th with the Black Hearts Ball, staring Mississippi belly dancing legends, Missihippy.

February 12th, from noon till 8PM, come indulge in tons of terrifying excitement with horror authors, artist, independent movies, graphic novels and more. Featuring the works of non-fiction paranormal author, Dr. Alan Brown, Alexander S. Brown, Andy Childers, Chuck Jett, and Shane Sullivan.

Special appearances by The Mississippi Society of Paranormal Investigation and The Natchez Paranormal Society, featuring a skilled speaker on the subject of demonology.
Also, this will be the first venue where Alexander S. Brown has displayed and sold his photography.
Link to Dr. Allen Brown
Link to Missihippi:
Link to Alexander S. Brown
Natchez Paranormal Society:
Link to Andy Childress:
Link to Imagicopter:
Best Wishes,
Alexander S. Brown
Best Wishes,
Alexander S. Brown

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